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We know the formula C / d = pi. pi must stay a constant. That is why the ratio of the circumference C and the diameter d must have always the same length unit

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Q: Why is it important that you measure the circumference and diameter of each object in the same units?
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Suggest another way to measure the diameter of a ball or any spherical object?

measure the circumference, c. Since c = pi x d where d = diameter pi = 3.1415926535897932384676..... diameter = circumference / pi

What is the diameter of an object with the circumference of 37.68 feet?

Circumference = pi*diameter so diameter = 37.68/pi = 11.994 feet,

What is the cirucumference of an object with a diameter of 5?

Well, first of all, it has to be a circle or a sphere, otherwise it's perimeter, not circumference. But if your object is a circle or a sphere, the formula is C=pi x diameter. So the circumference of your object is 5pi

Find the area and circumference of 9.5?

If the object is a circle and if 9.5 is the diameter, the area is 70.88 and the circumference is 29.85

Find the area and circumference of 24?

If the object is a circle and if 24 is the diameter, the area is 452.39 and the circumference is 75.4

What term refers to the ratio of circumference to the diameter of an object?

The ratio of circumference to the diameter of a circle is 3.14159 ... This value is called "Pi" and is represented by the Greek letter π.

How many linear feet are in 157 diameter?

To find the linear feet in a given diameter, you need to know the circumference (or perimeter) of the object. The formula to calculate the circumference is circumference = π × diameter. Without the circumference, it is not possible to determine the linear feet.

The circumference of the dime 56.52 mm find the diameter?

The diameter of any circle or circular object is (circumference)/(pi) .That's pretty nearly the same thing as (0.3183 x circumference) .Now you know how to easily find it on your own.

How do you find the circumference of an object if you only have the diameter and the radius?

2 x pi x radius

How was pi thought of?

Pi is a Greek letter and is used as a number in the form of a symbol. It can be used to find the area and circumference of a circle. If you mean how the number was found, you just measure the circumference of any circular object and divide that by its diameter (using very precise measurements).

Is diameter the distance around an object?

No, the diameter is the distance across a circle passing through its center. The distance around a circle is called the circumference.

How do you get the circumference of a sphere?

pie times diameter is the circumference of a circle. a sphere is a 3-dimensional object and you dont take the circumference but rather you take the surface area. the circumference is to measure the total outside distance around the circle. the surface area is the measure the total outside distance around the sphere. remember a sphere is like a ball that is rounded. a circle is just a circle and can only be 2-dimensional.. like on paper