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In order for the results to be valid, the dependent variable can only be affected by the independent variable, so somethings need to be kept CONSTANT. The things that need to be kept constant are called CONTROLLED VARIABLES. Even if controlled variables are affecting the dependent variable(s), which they usually do, keeping them constant will ensure that all trials of an investigation were equally impacted by the controlled variables, therefore allowing one to see the impact of an independent variable on the dependent variable.

All in all, a 'constant' in a science experiment should actually be called a 'controlled variable' and the description of such a variable is described in the third point. Hope this clarifies.

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Q: Why is it important to have a constant in an experiment?
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What are constant variables and y r they important in an experiment?

. Constant variables are variables which cannot be changed with the experiment. To remember their name is easy just think about Constance. They are important to an experiment because without all three variables there would be no complete experiment. Also the constant variables are important to an experiment because they help complete the result. Without a constant variable you. Would not be testing correctly

Why is it important to use constant in an experiments?

so scientists can compare result

What is the name of the variable that is kept constant in an experiment?

The variable that is kept constant in an experiment is called the control variable. It is important to keep this variable consistent so that any changes in the outcome of the experiment can be attributed to the variable being tested.

What is the difference between a constant in a graph and a constant in a experiment?

the difference between a constant in a graph and a constant in a experiment is that when on a graph, the constant is the thing that changes, and in a experiment it is the part that stays the same.

Why is it important to have a controlled experiment where everything is constant except the component you are testing?

Meh... just wing it.

What is any factor that is not allowed to change in an experiment called?

A constant. It is important to ensure that only one factor changes in an experiment (called the independent variable). All other factors need to remain constant.

What factor is kept constant?

The factor that is kept constant in an experiment is called the controlled variable. It is important to keep this variable constant to accurately measure the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable.

What is a constant variable in a scientific experiment?

That depends on the experiment.

Examples of constant variable?

A constant variable is one that does not change during an experiment. If your experiment includes a dozen cupcakes and that number does not change throughout your experiment, the dozen cupcakes is a constant variable.

What is the variable that stays the same?

A variable in an experiment that stays the same is a constant.

How do you use constant in a science sentence?

To use constant in a science question, first know that constant in science means a variable that does not change in an experiment. Variables are the different factors that can change in an experiment. For example, a sentence that includes the science word of constant could be: For this experiment, the constant would be... and then you write the constant.

What is a constant factor in an experiment?

The factor that doesnt change in your experiment