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A graph has to be clearly labelled and drawn for clarity and to aid the correct interpretation of the data shown on the graph.

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Q: Why is it important to have all of the parts of a graph clearly labeled and drawn?
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Why is it important to have all parts of a graph clearly labeled and drawn?

So the problem can match the answer then every thing will be clear

Why is important to have all parts of a graph clearly labeled and drawn?

So the problem can match the answer then every thing will be clear

Why it is important to graph accurately and clearly?

To provide accurate and clear results.

Does a graph need a title?

Yes! A graph should have a succinct and precise title. The axes of a graph should be clearly labeled with the correct units for the entities graphed. A graph should have its axes scaled so that the graph is not difficult to use. A graph should also have the drawer's initials or name and the date it was prepared.

What is axis in math?

When you graph lines or points, the cross drawn behind them, labeled with numbers and units, are the axes. The horizontal line is the x-axis, and the vertical the y-axis.

What should be labeled on a graph?

the title the date

What is A graph that can be drawn without any breaks?

A continuous graph.

How many spanning trees can be drawn with 5 labeled vertices?

No of spanning trees in a complete graph Kn is given by n^(n-2) so for 5 labelled vertices no of spanning trees 125

How is a Planar graph used is graph theory?

In graph theory, a planar graph is a graph that can be embedded in the plane, i.e., it can be drawn on the plane in such a way that its edges intersect only at their endpoints. In other words, it can be drawn in such a way that no edges cross each other.

How do you draw an origin on a graph?

an origin can not be drawn because its (0,0) the middle of the graph

We're would (3.5-5) be labeled at on a graph?


Which conclusion about density can be drawn from this graph?

The conclusion that can be drawn from this graph is that as the mass of an object increases, its density also increases. This is indicated by the positive slope of the line on the graph, showing a direct relationship between mass and density.