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It help factor your answers for the future. Especially when you use factoring, quadratic formula and the like. It's very useful when you reach Freshman Algebra.

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Q: Why is it important to know how to determine the greatest common factor?
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You must have at least two whole numbers to determine a greatest common factor.

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This cannot be properly answered. You must have at least two whole numbers to determine a greatest common factor.

Why do you need the common prime factors when finding the greatest common factor?

You do not necessarily need the common prime factors when finding the greatest common factor, but with large numbers or numbers for which you cannot easily determine all the factors, using prime factorization to determine the greatest common factor is the easiest method. The greatest common factor can then be determined by multiplying the common prime factors together. For example, when trying to find the greatest common factor of 2144 and 5672, finding all their possible factors to compare could be difficult. So, it is easier to find their prime factors, determine the prime factors they have in common, and then multiply the common prime factors to get the greatest common factor. For descriptions and examples of finding the greatest common factor, see the "Related Questions" links below.

Determine the greatest common factor of 845 and 455?

The GCF is 65.

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This cannot be determined based on the number you provided. You must have at least two whole numbers to determine a greatest common factor.

What is the greatest common factor of 3042?

This cannot be determined based on the number you provided. You must have at least two whole numbers to determine a greatest common factor.

What is the greatest common factor of 217084?

This cannot be determined based on the number you provided. You must have at least two whole numbers to determine a greatest common factor.