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Q: Why is it important to position your feet correctly when assisting or moving clients?
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It is very important to wash ones hands before and after assisting clients in a dementia care home for a couple of reasons. One of them is to avoid passing disease along to compromised elderly patients.

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Physical contact is important in assisting clients in certain services. One of these such services is healthcare like occupational therapy.

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The Personal Support Worker (PSW) plays a crucial role in assisting clients with oxygen therapy by ensuring the equipment is set up correctly, monitoring the client's oxygen levels, assisting with mobility if needed, and observing for any signs of distress or complications while the client is receiving oxygen therapy. Communication with the healthcare team regarding the client's condition and response to therapy is also an important part of the PSW's role.

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they feel the need to appear formal in front of their clients or the person assisting them

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Typical responsibilities of loan officers include assisting their clients in applying for loans, assessing how applicable their client is credit wise, and seeking out clients who may need the loan.

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touch with softly with our hands and talk with them very slowly and nicely

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To identify the needs of clients, you have to have to know your clients wants and needs. It is important to have communication with the client. It is also important to coordinate the care needed.

What are the main barriers to identify the needs of clients?

To identify the needs of clients, you have to have to know your clients wants and needs. It is important to have communication with the client. It is also important to coordinate the care needed.

What is the important for your clients?

The answer depends on what type of business the clients are using. Usually professionalism and quality product or service are the most important.

Which is the best position to assess the clients respiratory rate?

The most common way to measure respiratory rate is in the seated position.

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whta is the legal significance of clients questioning and the recording of clients responses?

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