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If you sit for too long, it's possible to develop a blood clot in a leg, and that clot could get loose and work its way to the chest and cause a pulmonary embolism, preventing your blood from picking up any oxygen.

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Q: Why is it important to stretch for 5 minutes?
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What is the average length of gum to stretch after 30 minutes?

the average length of gum to stretch after chewing it for 30 minutes is 3 inches :$

What is a good warm up for tennis?

Jump Rope for 5 minutes, agility exercises, warm up your arms and stretch.

What is a good stentence using the word stretch?

I am going to stretch out on the couch for a few minutes.

Is it more important to stretch before or after exercise?

It is important to stretch before and after you exercise because if you dont you will get sore after.

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Why is it important to stretch before hip hop dance?

It is important to stretch before hip-hop because if you don't stretch, you have a better chance of getting injured. It is also important to stretch because if your body is not warmed up before you start to move, it is harder to learn choreography.

What are the best stretches to do before a work out?

It is best to stretch before and after a workout for about 5-10 minutes. Some good stretches to stretch the entire body are: Quadriceps stretch (holding onto your leg behind you while standing), hamstring stretch (bending over and trying to touch your toes), chest stretch (hands clasped behind your back), shoulder stretch (crossing one arm over your chest and holding it with the other), and the side stretch (arms above your head and leaning to your sides).

What is a best way to learn how to do a split?

stretch everyday i stretch for 3 weeks, one week everyday for 30 minutes the next week 45 minutes and the third week 1 hour. hope that help, it sure helped me

When does the half time start for baseball?

There is no halftime in baseball unless you count the seventh inning stretch which only lasts 5 minutes and only occures in A, AA, AAA and MLB baseball.

What is Stretching slowly and then holding the stretch for several minutes?

It is called static streching.

How do you get your splits in gymnastics?

You have to stretch alot and work your way down to

What does stretch say in the car in gta 5 in the mission the long stretch?

The Long Stretch refers to a mission in Grand Theft Auto V, it was given to Franklin.