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because if you dont they might hate you because it is wrong to do that whoop whoop

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Q: Why is it important to treat people correctly in terms of equality opportunity?
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What is the importance of equality?

EQUALITY FOR ALLThis is a pretty simple question. Equality, the way the framers of the Constitution intended for it to be understood, meant that all legal citizens of the USA had the right to equal OPPORTUNITYfor all to have LIFE, LIBERTY and the PERSUIT of happiness. It did not mean everyone was entitled to have equal amounts of income, housing, personal possessions, health care, etc. Only the opportunity to create those things for yourself.I've focused on OPPORTUNITY because so many today think it's fine to have the government steal someone else money that may have a little more than others and distribute it to any one the government considers economically challenged, which as we all know may or may not be true.So please when you are looking at equality, it doesn't mean what the liberal left today would have you believe. Equality only gives you the OPPORTUNITY to be the best you can be, not to provide you with the wear-with-all to reach that goal.We live in the greatest country in the world, bar none. More people are attempting to get into our country because of this freedom of Opportunity than any other country in the world. This is because of our free enterprise system that allows anyone with the desire to work at any job or become any thing they want to work to attain. Equality does not mean this will be handed to them at the pleasure of the Government, only that each individual can create and reap the rewards of their creation, without government interference.ANSWERalthough it may sound like the poster above is saying equality is an American thing, which is what i picked up on when i read it, it of course is notequality is in any modern and or westernized countrys, not just America,the importance of equality is simply to ensure that all people have the same rights as each other person, that no person with any difference, no person with any disability, no race, no sex, no man woman or child would be treated any different to any other man woman or child, in any keeps the balance of people who may have been successful at something but simply hadn't enough money to study the subject in equal relation to those that were rich or financially stable enough to do basically poor people can study the same things as rich people which means more success for the country as a whole and not just to the individual. this is one of the most important reasons for this kind of equalityin Britain, technically all people should be treated the same, of course it doesn't work out that way, as there are homeless people, poor people, people without help or love or money, same as in America, same as any country and those people rarely ever get the equal treatment and equal help that everyone person gets, and it doesn't always mean that they didn't take the opportunity, sometimes they weren't given the opportunity to begin Britain we do all have the same health care, and get help from the government ie financialy as they recognise that it is actually needed to enable the person to acutaly have the opportunity to better themselves and if this wasnt done, if this help wasnt available then many people would never be given or get the opportunity in the first place and it is the opportunity that's important not how you got itAmericas rules and views on equality obviously differ to Britain's, which tells you that everyone has too many different views on what equality is, what makes a person have equality which is why equality will never work properly.equality in any country does not give everyone the same rights, although it should, it is true as the above poster said that it is about being given the chance to make your life better etc, but anyone who cant do that is given no real chances or help to make their life better, that's not really equality then is it?equality real, true equality would be that everyone would be given the opportunity to better themselves and their lifes and help when its needed but this is not the case and there will always be people that society pretends don't exist, don't want to help, judge and leave 'out in the cold'equality is still an ideal not a factf4ANSWEREquality is a legal concept and has no practicality outside of the law. That we are all equal under the law, regardless of our citizenship status, is what allows us to enjoy our individual natural rights and the inequality of people outside of the law is what makes us so successful in terms of evolution. We can not demand equality of others outside of the law without first doing away with the concept of equality under the law. Equality under the law means no one is above the law, and no one can abrogate or derogate the rights of others. Wealth and poverty are inequalities that exist outside of the law just as ugly and beauty do. To attempt to legislate equality of economics is no different than attempting to legislate plainness as an aesthetic. There will always be inequality of wealth and inequality of beauty, under the law there will never be inequality of justice. Any injustice presented as law is not law and is only simulation of law. People should celebrate both the equality of justice and the inequalities of human nature.

Favoring the equality of all people?

I, honestly have no idea.

What are you persuing?

I am trying to get people to spell correctly!

Why does The Bible get translated?

So that people of all nations can have the opportunity to read it for themselves.

How many syllables in circumference?

If you say it correctly 4, but most people say it with 3... cir-cum-fer-ence

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Why do you think it's important to promote equal opportunities for the people you are supporting?

india is a democratic country democracy is based in the principal of equality .so one constitution makers include equality as the prime concern