In general it is not. Some people find fractions easy to work with while others prefer percentages. Personally, I prefer fractions because they are precise whereas percentages can entail non-terminating decimals or truncation - either of which can introduce small errors which can build up in complicated calculations.
Having said that, it is easier to compare percentages because the [implied] denominator is the same: 100.
Write 5 percent as a fraction is 5/100.
To write 11 percent as a fraction, you divide the percent by 100 and simplify the fraction if possible. In this case, 11 percent is written as 11/100.
101 percent in fraction form = 101/100
0.036 percent as a reduced fraction = 9/25000
50 percent can be written as the following fraction: 1/2
Write 5 percent as a fraction is 5/100.
No you write it as a fraction as a fraction =1/2 as a decimal =0.5 as a percentage = 50%
To write 11 percent as a fraction, you divide the percent by 100 and simplify the fraction if possible. In this case, 11 percent is written as 11/100.
101 percent in fraction form = 101/100
0.036 percent as a reduced fraction = 9/25000
50 percent can be written as the following fraction: 1/2
As a fraction, you can write it as 8/10. As a decimal, you can write it as 0.8.
To write a fraction as a decimal, do the indicated division. 3/4 = 3 divided by 4 = 0.75 To write a decimal as a percent, multiply by 100. 0.75 = 75 percent
93% = 93/100 in fraction
59% = 59/100 in fraction
1% = 1/100 in fraction