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Because otherwise it will not be possible to know whether observed variations in the dependent variable are due to one independent variable or another.

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Q: Why is it importantthat all variables in an expiriment except for the independent variable are controlled?
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What are the experimental variables?

Experimental variables are factors being tested or measured in a scientific experiment. They can be categorized as independent variables (manipulated by the experimenter), dependent variables (respond to the changes in the independent variable), and controlled variables (kept constant to prevent interference).

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The types of variables according to functional relationship are independent variables and dependent variables. Independent variables are inputs that are manipulated or controlled in an experiment, while dependent variables are the outputs that are affected by changes in the independent variables.

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The two types of variables in an experiment are independent variables, which are controlled by the experimenter and can be manipulated, and dependent variables, which are the outcome or response that is measured in the experiment and may change in response to the independent variable.

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In a controlled experiment, the Independent variable refers to the variable that is manipulated or altered. The dependent variable, meanwhile, is the result of the experiment.

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