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Q: Why is it impossible for exponential growth to happen forever?
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When exponential growth happen?

when there is no competition When there are unlimited resources- Apex Exponential growth can happen anytime when the rate of the growth is increasing along with an increase in growth.

When can exponential happen?

when there is no competition When there are unlimited resources- Apex Exponential growth can happen anytime when the rate of the growth is increasing along with an increase in growth.

When can exponential growth?

when there is no competition When there are unlimited resources- Apex Exponential growth can happen anytime when the rate of the growth is increasing along with an increase in growth.

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Exponential growth

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population growth begins to slow down

How can exponential growth happen?

Exponential growth occurs when a quantity grows at a rate proportional to its current value, leading to a rapid increase over time. This kind of growth is often seen in biological organisms, financial investments, and technological advancements. It can result in significant growth and expansion if left unchecked.

When can expendential growth happen?

when there is no competition When there are unlimited resources- Apex Exponential growth can happen anytime when the rate of the growth is increasing along with an increase in growth.

What would happen to a population of organisms that had unlimited food to eat and unlimited space in which to grow?

Exponential growth

Can a exponential growth happen?

Whenever there's a good food supply (and not too many things killing you).

Why is exponential growth unlikely to happen for a very long time?

Exponential growth is unlikely to continue for a very long time because resources are finite and eventually become scarce. As a population or system grows exponentially, it reaches a point where it surpasses the capacity of the environment to support it, leading to a collapse or a transition to a more sustainable level of growth. Additionally, external factors such as competition, disease, or environmental changes can also inhibit sustained exponential growth over time.

Will doomsday really happen?

There is no scientific evidence or consensus to suggest that a doomsday scenario will definitely happen. While there are potential global threats like climate change or pandemics, it is up to humanity to take action to mitigate these risks and secure a sustainable future for ourselves and the planet.

When did Katamari Forever happen?

Katamari Forever happened in 2009.