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Q: Why is it necessary to have a second timeline to list these events rather than putting them on the first one?
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Can you give me a sentence using timelines?

First, note that typically, people use "timeline" (singular) rather than "timelines" (plural). Example sentences for both: Your homework is to find how to put timeline in a sentence. Our teacher discussed the timeline for events in the Civil War. When two people construct timelines about the same event, the facts in each of their timelines should match. When students do timelines for their own life events, obviously they will start by listing their own date of birth. Timelines make useful study helps because major events can be listed in a few words and the events placed in order of occurrence.

When it comes to working out the plot of your story putting the plot in the driver seat means?

Putting the plot in the driver's seat means allowing the events and twists in your story to guide the direction and development of your characters, rather than the other way around. It emphasizes the importance of plot points and the unfolding narrative in driving the story forward.

How did romans dry off after bath?

They used towels if necessary, just as we do, although their towels were of softwool rather than cotton.They used towels if necessary, just as we do, although their towels were of softwool rather than cotton.They used towels if necessary, just as we do, although their towels were of softwool rather than cotton.They used towels if necessary, just as we do, although their towels were of softwool rather than cotton.They used towels if necessary, just as we do, although their towels were of softwool rather than cotton.They used towels if necessary, just as we do, although their towels were of softwool rather than cotton.They used towels if necessary, just as we do, although their towels were of softwool rather than cotton.They used towels if necessary, just as we do, although their towels were of softwool rather than cotton.They used towels if necessary, just as we do, although their towels were of softwool rather than cotton.

What is a writing skeleton for non chronological order?

A writing skeleton for non-chronological order is a structure that presents information in a mixed timeline rather than a linear one. It typically includes headings or subheadings to indicate different time periods or events, followed by details under each heading that are relevant to that specific timeframe. This structure helps readers understand the sequence of events or ideas in a non-linear fashion.

How do rocks represent events rather than being just objects?

It's not the rocks themselves that represent events, it's the layers of soil that are found under the surface of the ground. For example if you were to look at a cross section of the ground, and as you were analyzing it, you notice that there is a thin band of gray or black material underneath many other layers of different colored soils. That band of material could possibly be the ash from a volcanic explosion that occurred in the distant past. By observing the layers and how close they are to the surface you could guess at what the events were and make a rough timeline of those events.

What does or mean in probibility?

"or" is used in the context of sets [of events] rather than probability (and certainly not probibility!),An event described as A or B means either event A or event B or both events."or" is used in the context of sets [of events] rather than probability (and certainly not probibility!),An event described as A or B means either event A or event B or both events."or" is used in the context of sets [of events] rather than probability (and certainly not probibility!),An event described as A or B means either event A or event B or both events."or" is used in the context of sets [of events] rather than probability (and certainly not probibility!),An event described as A or B means either event A or event B or both events.

What are the release dates for JourneyQuest - 2010 A Rather Unfortunate Turn of Events 1-3?

JourneyQuest - 2010 A Rather Unfortunate Turn of Events 1-3 was released on: USA: 3 October 2010

What is the antoynym for precognitions?

The antonym for "precognitions" is "retrodictions." Retrodictions refer to knowledge or predictions about past events rather than future events.

Is there an explanation as to why you heard someone come in to your room walk round your bed climb in beside and hug you as if it was a normal event then go when you asked who it was?

Uh, wierd. Hopefully not a family member. ==new answer==need more information such as, was this person asleep at the time,taking medication, etc. In order to answer this question, more details are necessary. Was it a dream or was this person awake at the time? Halucinations can usually be addressed by putting the full attention on investigating what it is rather than secumb to fear and have them continue unabated. ==new answer==need more information such as, was this person asleep at the time,taking medication, etc. In order to answer this question, more details are necessary. Was it a dream or was this person awake at the time? Halucinations can usually be addressed by putting the full attention on investigating what it is rather than secumb to fear and have them continue unabated. ==new answer==need more information such as, was this person asleep at the time,taking medication, etc. In order to answer this question, more details are necessary. Was it a dream or was this person awake at the time? Halucinations can usually be addressed by putting the full attention on investigating what it is rather than secumb to fear and have them continue unabated. ==new answer==need more information such as, was this person asleep at the time,taking medication, etc. In order to answer this question, more details are necessary. Was it a dream or was this person awake at the time? Halucinations can usually be addressed by putting the full attention on investigating what it is rather than secumb to fear and have them continue unabated.

What is the opposite of the future?

This is a word with different possible opposites.... either the past or present could be used. The timeline opposite is the past, but some uses compare present conditions with future conditions (e.g. a future President vs. the current one).The adjective opposite can be previous, historical, or former, as these all describe locations earlier rather than later in time (e.g. his futureoccupation).

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