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Q: Why is it necessary to slowly stop the use of steriods rather than abruptly stop usage?
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What is the opposite of abruptly?

gradually, or slowly

What is gradualism?

Gradualism is the policy of gradual reform rather than sudden change or revolution; in biology, the theory that evolution occurs slowly but steadily rather than abruptly.

Chronic diseases develop slowly?

Yes, they develop over time and not abruptly.

What is gradual lessening?

Gradual lessening refers to a process where something decreases slowly and steadily over time, rather than abruptly or all at once. This could apply to various scenarios such as a reduction in intensity, quantity, or effect.

Can you just stop taking lisinopril pills without side effects when you have a tickling constant cough?

lisinopril should be tapered slowly and not discontinued abruptly.

What are ways to fix calf cramps?

It is important to do warm up exercises before a run and warm down exercises after so your muscles are not suddenly called on to do too much too quickly and to have a chance to cool down slowly rather than stopping exercising abruptly. Gently stretch the legs and calf muscles and run them too which helps.

Can you give your dog prednisone over a long period of time?

When giving Prednisone to your dog they have to slowly be taken off of the medication. Do not abruptly stop giving this medication to your pet as it will have serious side effects.

What is the adverb for began?

The word began is the past tense for the verb to begin. There is an adjective (the past participle begun) but no adverb form. The verb began can be modified by adverbs such as slowly, suddenly, abruptly, or inauspiciously.

What is the difference between normalising and quenching?

In the normalising metal treatment process, the metal is cooled slowly and gradually while in quenching metal treatment process the metal is called very fast and abruptly.

Why is it necessary to excavate an archaeological site slowly and carefully?

i dont know :P

You take 50mg serequel at night and have anger outbursts and severe irritability and the skin on your face has broken out with burning rash and you have gained lots of weight. How do I stop serequel?

Do not abruptly stop. You have to slowly ween yourself off.

Would you rather die slowly from pneumonia or drown in the ocean if you had to make a death decision?

i would rather die by droning in the ocean rather than die due to a disease