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It may refer to the sum of percentages using 'whole number' approach.

For instance:

In a class A of 20 students only two students are redheaded, i.e. 10% of the students are redheaded. In a class B of 30 students only three students are redheaded, i.e. 10% of the students are redheaded. All students of the class A and all students of the class B are in assembly hall. What is the percentage of redheaded student in the assembly hall?

To answer the question the sum of both class percentages (10%+10%=20%) cannot be used.

You cannot even express the class percentages in fractions and sum them (10/100 + 10/100=20/100=20%).

The easiest way to calculate the percentage of the redheaded students in the assembly hall is to calculate the percentage from scratch ((2+3)/(20+30)=0.10=10%) and not to use the class percentages.

Another example of problem with the summation of percents are consequent percentage changes.

The book you want to buy was marked off 30%. Afterwards the book was discounted by 30% again. If you buy the book after the second discount, you save 51% of the original price (not 60%, the sum of the two discounts).

The first discount reduced the price to 70% of the original price. The second discount reduces the discounted price by 30%, i.e. the final price is 49% of the original price (0.7*0.7=0.49=49%). You save 51% (100%-49%).

Percentage decrease followed by percentage increase can cause even more surprising results.

The price of a share decreased by 60% one year. The next year the share price raised by 80%. The net effect was 28% decrease from the original price!

The share price was 40% of the original price after the first year. The next year the price raised by 80% of the lowered price, i.e it was 72% of the original price (1.8*0.4=0.72=72%). The net decrease was 28% (72%-100%).

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Q: Why is it said that if you add percents you often obtain incorrect results?
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How is math involved in elections?

Elections require counting, and addition to get a total. When the results of the election are reported on TV, percents are important. When you need to know how much one candidate beat another by, you have to use subtraction. The whole process always raises a candidate to a power, and often divides the country.

When scientists cannot obtain on exact numbers they often rely on?


What is a arithmetic seqence?

A sequence where a particular number is added to or subtracted from any term of the sequence to obtain the next term in the sequence. It is often call arithmetic progression, and therefore often written as A.P. An example would be: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, ... In this sequence 2 is added to each term to obtain the next term.

What Relating percents ratios and decimals?

Percentages are a way of expressing a part-to-whole relationship, often represented as a ratio or fraction out of 100. Ratios, on the other hand, compare two or more quantities, often expressed in the form of a fraction or ratio. Decimals are a way of representing fractions or ratios using a base-10 numbering system. All three - percents, ratios, and decimals - can be used interchangeably when expressing mathematical relationships or values. For example, a ratio of 2:5 can be expressed as a percentage of 40%, and as a decimal of 0.4.

How are percents greater than 100 percent used in real world contexts?

You often hear about athletes giving "110 percent," but that's not possible. But if you figure that Apple's Revenue Per Share in the third quarter of 2011 was $16.51 and in the third quarter of 2015 was $40.34, that's an increase of about 244 percent.

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