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One simple answer is that you don't have the right teacher. Math is more difficult for certain people to learn than others, but the teaching method must be revised at an early age - not just 'remedial' math, but a departure from the standard lesson plan by a professional teacher or tutor that understands how to educate on an individual basis. Plus depending on what kind of geometry, you have friends who can help you. Staying after school and asking for help is a good idea

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Q: Why is it so hard for you to learn geometry?
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Why do you need study geometry?

to learn more important in geometry

What does There is no royal way to geometry mean?

there is no easier way to learn Geometry

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Who said that There is no royal way to learn geometry?

Euclid of Alexandria is credited with saying so to King Ptolemy I.

How can you learn Geometry?

Well, when you reach 9th grade you'll be taking Geometry. You may take it in 10th grade, if you had to take Algebra 1 again in 9th grade. Or you can purchase a Geometry book and learn from there!

Why you need to study geometry?

to learn more

What do you learn in geometry class?

the study of shapes

Why is very important to learn the geometry?

it's not

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How can you learn the most about geometry?

You can learn more of it by putting geometry in your daily life. Relating it with you own thing, where can you see geometric shapes right now?

Why do many people need to know geometry to do their jobs?

cause i think to learn more about the geometry.

Why is so hard to learn English?

English is the hardest language to learn hun'.