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because the mass of a substance is only one part of it but not all of it. The density is everything of a substance including mass and volume

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Q: Why is it useful to know the density of a substance rather than its mass?
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Related questions

What is the density of the mass of 57.33g?

Density is a measure of mass per unit volume. To calculate density, you need both the mass and volume of the substance. Without the volume of the substance, you cannot determine the density.

If a trial was done with a volume of 45mL what would the mass be?

The mass of 45mL of a substance would depend on the density of that substance. You would need to know the density of the substance to calculate its mass using the formula: mass = volume x density.

What things must you know to find the density of a material?

To find the density of a material all you need to know is the mass and volume of the substance. if you knw the mas and volume...finding out the density is very simple...all you need to do is mass/volume and you will have the density of that substance!

Does a density of the same substance vary or not and why?

i don't know you idiot

If you know the density and volume of a substance how could you find its mass?

You can find the mass of a substance by using the formula mass = density x volume. Multiply the density of the substance by its volume to calculate the mass.

What volume would be occupied by 7.75 g of the same substance?

The volume occupied by a substance depends on its density. If you know the density of the substance, you can calculate the volume using the formula: Volume = Mass / Density. Without the density information, you cannot accurately determine the volume occupied by 7.75 g of the substance.

What is the volume of 1860 grams?

To determine the volume of a substance, you need to know its density. Volume is calculated by dividing the mass of the substance by its density. If you provide the density of the material, I can help you calculate the volume.

To calculate the density of a substance what two properties do you need to know?

To calculate the density of a substance, you need to know its mass and volume. Density is calculated by dividing the mass of the substance by its volume, expressed in units such as grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3) for solids and liquids.

How would you convert 900Mg into cc?

To convert milligrams (mg) to cubic centimeters (cc), you need to know the density of the substance. The conversion will depend on the density of the substance in question.

What is sugar's density?

Density measures how compact a particular substance is. It can be calculated by adding the weight with the volume of the substance. To figure out the density of sugar you must first know the weight and volume and then plug them into the equation: density = weight + volume.

How do you convert mass into volume measurements?

You need to know the density of the substance.

How do you convert Cubic meter to Ton?

You need to know the density of the substance.