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Fumes. Lead is a metal but its used in liquidy form in paint and it can soak into the water. So when the water droplets go everywhere particles of lead that hitched a ride on them go with. And paint fumes are self explanatory

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Q: Why is lead no longer used in paints or for plumbing pipes?
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What is the o rigin of word plumbing?

Plumbing comes from "plumbum", the Latin word for the metal Lead. Originally, pipes were made of lead.

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... Plumbing. The word comes from the Latin for for lead, plumbum, from which the pipes were made (leading to lots and lots of lead poisoning).

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They used lead pipes , which the Romans used in Rome.

What is lead used for?

it's used in plumbing and pipes.

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One of the names of the metal Lead- in Latin, was plumbum. Since very early plumbing used pipes made of lead, the name plumbum is the root of the word plumbing.

Which elements are used to make water pipes?

Copper pipes are now most commonly used in plumbing. Lead pipes were used long ago, and the word plumbing is derived from the Latin word for lead (plumbum). Iron pipes were used until relatively inexpensive copper pipes became readily available during the twentieth century.

Why is pb the chemical of lead?

The Latin word for lead is plumbum. Pipes used to be made from lead, which is why the trade of pipe installation is called plumbing.

Why are plumber called plumbers?

From the Latin "plumbum"-lead. A plumber is a person who works with lead. Household pipes used to be made of lead, hence a person who worked on your pipes was a plumber.