We can into this world with mothing and we come out of this world with nothing to.
The answer is that a meaningless question is a question without a meaning so the question that you just asked is a meaningless question!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha lol:):):):):):)
Meaningless question so unanswerable.
Meaningless question, so unanswerable.
All the 0 before 8 are meaningless, so it is just 8.33 which is nearly eight and a third
Opiates don't decay exponentially so the concept of a half-life is meaningless.
I would tell you that life has no meaning, but I dont think life is meaningless. Depending on your religion our deities gave us life so we can give life as well, we are here to make and so our creations take our place, and when life is gone we can die with the joyfull thought of life going on and that our job is done so we can finally go back to our deity and say it is done. Just remember this motto: Life has no meaning but life is not meaningless.
The answer is that a meaningless question is a question without a meaning so the question that you just asked is a meaningless question!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha lol:):):):):):)
the comparision is meaningless.
Das Leben ist bedeutungslos. (literally life is meaningless)
Noradrenalin doesn't exponentially decay, therefore the term "half-life" is meaningless.
Prayer is the verbal form of worship. So prayer is only meaningless when the person does not find meaning in prayer.
There is no such term as "rote Catholic", so it is meaningless.
Human existence is a circular, meaningless march towards death.
Two words. Beer n boobies :)
There is no such term as "rote Catholic", so it is meaningless.
Meaningless question so unanswerable.