

Why is line important?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: Why is line important?
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becauseit is important

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What line of latitude is most important?

The most important line of latitude is the Equator. Other important parallels are the Arctic and Antarctic Circles and the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.

What is the most important line of latitude?

The most important line of latitude is the Equator. Other important parallels are the Arctic and Antarctic Circles and the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.

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line graphs are important to diferenciate records and to make sure that the data is not mixed up or duplicated

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In Impressionism line is not important.

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because it's important to what is divided in the coast

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the fall line is an impossible thing to answer

An important line that circles a globe south of the equator?

the 'boobie-sucker' line

What is important about the number line?

the reason why a number line is important, is because it tells you the order of something, and is very useful in history, math and science

Why is it important to line up the decimal point before or after adding a decimal?

That is because if you don't, you will get the wrong answer. It is ALWAYS important to LINE up the decimals.

Why is the mason dixon line important?

The Mason-Dixon was more important than just a border. Mason and Dixon drew this line to seperate the north from the south. It is a very important border.