I don't really think maths IS everywhere, but it's difficult to explain. We humans have created maths to investigate the things around us. We observe the universe we live in and adapt our mathematics in order to represent it as accurately as possible. I always refer to the (no doubt very historically inaccurate) example: primitive humans farming livestock. There must have come a point when people were asking "How many?" and "Lots!" wasn't an accurate enough answer, since many people of the village had "lots" of cattle. So they create the natural number system, probably not by that name though ;), to quantify exactly how many cattle each person has.
yes math is in every thing
In Billing
general math problems are problems yo see almost every day.
math is science and explains science to every detail. math is a branch of science
It is hugely important to every one.
yes math is in every thing
every where
math is every where. price tags,ages, math tests
Yes, every job needs math.
Science is math and math is science
Every one knows some math.
No every job requires some sort of math.
lets put it this way you will never succed without math... every job requires math
yes, math is going to be needed in every job you ever desire to have
it is taught because when you grow up pretty much every job has math in it .
I loved every moment.
No, I don't.