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I would not feel particularly confident if the Doctor Who prescribed me medicine could not add or multiply!

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Q: Why is math important to the medical field?
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Related questions

What kind of math is used in the medical office field?

Any math can be used.

What will you use math for in the medical assistant field?

you will use math when giving doses of drugs out

Why was Pythagoras' important in the field of math?

Pythagoras's work was important in the field of math because he invented the pythagorean theorem, which explained square units in a triangle.

What are the Medical terminology important in the law field?

Medical jurispudence

Why is it important to be good at math if you work in the health field?

well it depends on what you specifically do in the health field

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What is retrieving an account in the medical field?

it is getting back a certain file in the medical field that is important that you can only get a copy of

Are there Opportunities for electrical and electronics student in medical field?

Yes. Electricity is key to the Human Body and thus to the Medical Field.Biomedical Engineering is a very important Medical Field.

Why are ethics and ethical leadership important in the medical field?

Ethics and ethical leadership are important in the medical field in order to serve patients well. Unethical leaders take shortcuts that endanger the lives of the patients.

Why is the Amazon rainforest important to the medical field?

The Amazon Rainforest is important to the Medical Field because there are many plants in the rainforest that can cure illnesses, so scientists go looking for those plants.

Why is it important to be responsible in the medical field?

So you don't kill someone.

What are the recent contribution of chemistry to the medical field?

chemistry is very important for medical feild because everything we do is chemistry