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Because. The variable M is already used in an equation for mass.

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Q: Why is momentum's variable a p and not an M in the equation pmv?
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The expression "48,000 = m" is a mathematical equation that uses the variable "m". This equation states that "m" is equal to 48,000. In other words, the value of "m" is 48,000. It's important to note that in mathematics, equations use the equals sign (=) to indicate that the value on the left side of the equation is equal to the value on the right side of the equation. In this case, the value of "m" is equal to 48,000.

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how do you get a variable alone in a question? here is a example=== m-8=24 all you do is switch the question around so it would look like this=== 24+8=m m=32 TEE HEE

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Assuming that "m" is your variable: π = 15*m Divide by 15 π/15 = m Reverse equation (reflexive property) m = π/15

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If you mean the straight line equation of: y = mx+b then m is the slope and b is the y intercept

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