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You just add 0.

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Q: Why is multiplying by a power of ten easy?
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What does multiplying by ten to a negative power imply?

It is equivalent to dividing by ten to the equivalent positive power.

Which pattern describe how the decimal point moves when you multiply a decimal number by any power of ten?

Multiplying a real number by a positive power of ten moves the decimal point that number (the exponent) of places to the right. Multiplying by a negative power of ten moves it to the left. For example, the -3 power of 10 is 1/1000; multiplying by that moves the decimal point 3 places to the left.

When multiplying by ten the digits shift to the?

When multiplying by ten the digits shift to the left

What is three times ten to the seventh power?


How many decimal places do you move the decimal place when multiplying?

Once, to the right, for every power of ten.

What number equals ten to the fourth power?

when multiplying "to the power of" with tens, you just add up the zeros, so 10 to the fourth power would be 10,000.

What is 364941 times ten to the eighth power?

36494100000000When you are multiplying a number by ten to the (blank) power, simply move the decimal point however many places to the right as the number of the power. If the number in the power is negative, move it to the left that many places

Why does multiplying numbers by ten move the decimal point to the right?

why does multiplying numbers by ten move the decimal point to the right

Why does multiplying a whole number by 10 always add a zero to the right of the number?

That's a phenomenon that you notice after the fact. Try it out. Multiply any whole number by ten. 3 x 10 = 30 492 x 10 = 4920 It's the way the decimal system is structured. Ten to the first power is ten. Ten to the second power is one hundred. Since multiplying a number by ten adds a zero, the reverse is true. Adding a zero to the back of a number multiplies it by ten.

How does a metric converter work?

A metric converter works by converting different metric units. Metric units are easy and convenient to convert because they are multiples of ten and are converted simply by multiplying or dividing by ten.

What is the definition of powers of ten?

Numbers that are formed by multiplying ten by itself a certain number of times ex. ten to the third power= 10,000. you add that number of zeros to the end of ten. 10 3= 10,000 Wiki Answers doesn't know yet. Please try again in another power of ten years.

What is ten to the fifth power times ten to the third power as a single power?

10^5 means 10x10x10x10x10. 10^3 means 10x10x10. Multiplying them together is 10x10x10x10x10 x 10x10x10 which is 10^8. In general, x^a times x^b is x^(a+b).