When text is stretched into only a few long lines of text is usually the result of an issue with the coding- resetting your phone may solve this issue.
Unlikely! To be honest getting a job in the UK is quite difficult. It feels like its almost impossible to get a job.
Like a man from the population of North India in 500 BCE. There were no images of the Buddha made during his lifetime, as he asked that he not be immortalized in that way. The descriptions of the Buddha in the texts of the day are all stock lists of qualities anyone in his day was supposed to have if they were to be Enlightened Ones and so are completely unreliable. We do not know any details of what the Buddha looked like.
It means "I'm getting bored, but I like to use IPmessenger"
They are either getting bullied or they feel like a no body.
The mean is the average of all numbers. Just like getting the average of your test scores.
Raise health awareness and stop everyone getting obese like you probably are wonga chunks.
I like to break down the readings into smaller chunks to understand them better.
i imagine the chunks are acetaminofen precipatate from the elixir cooling
I had a miscarrage and a d and c. I have been having blot clots. They look like chunks of dark jelly or chunks of liver. I was 8wks
He may just not like you back the same way you like him that's all ! Try getting to know him better by talking to him when you can. You will be able to find out how he feels about you that way.
best thing to do is just ask so you don't keep getting the wrong impression and he stops leading you on if he doesn't like you but if he does and so do you i say just go with the flow
Texts such as vedas and Ramayan Mahabharata . Also texts like Purana and Upnishadam also influenced Hinduism.
Texts such as vedas and Ramayan Mahabharata . Also texts like Purana and Upnishadam also influenced Hinduism.
If a guy texts every weekend, he may like you quite a bit. If he texts ever night, he may want to date you.
Light comes in chunks of energy called photons.
Well pretty much like gold. But there are r some chunks of gray
he probably doesn't like you .. if he never flirts with you even in person, then it's probably that, & if it is .. than you should stop liking him. OR, he might like you but he's just getting kind of annoyed with the texts & calls and maybe he just wants some space. if that, then tone it down a bit .. well a bit more .. & wait for him to text/call you.