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because it doesnt have at least two numbers

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Q: Why is one nither prime nor composite?
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Is one a prime number or not?

no. 1 is nither a prime number nor a composite number.

What is ONE composite or prime OR NEITHER?

ANSWER: One is neither prime nor composite.

If one is not prime or composite what is it?

There is no name for numbers which are neither prime nor composite.

If one is not prime what is it?

One is not prime nor composite. It is a unit.

If one is not a prime number nor a composite number then what is it called?

There is no special name for it. It is simply neither prime nor composite.

What is the only positive number that is neither prime nor composite?

1 is neither prime nor a composite number.The number one (1).

Is one a prime composite or neither?

The number 1 is neither a prime nor a composite number.

Why is zero and one not considered prime neither composite?

Both zero and one are considered neither prime nor composite.

Is one a composition?

No, it is neither prime nor composite.

Are there any numbers that are neither prime or composite?

Zero and one are neither composite nor prime.

Which are the numbers that are neither prime nor composite?

Zero and one.

What number in the hundreds chart is not prime nor composite?
