One is not composite because it has no factor other than 1 or itself.
In a sense 1 is prime, but the definition specifically excludes it from primality because allowing it to be a prime would mean that the factors of any number would include 1. Mathematicians prefer not to waste time or ink on something trivial.
1 cannot be a composite number because it is not divisible by any number other than itself.
It is not a prime because of the fundamental theorem of arithmetic: the unique prime factorisation theorem. This states that any positive integer greater than 1 can be expressed as a product of a unique set of primes. If 1 were considered a prime then you could add any number of 1s to the set of factors and the product would not change. For example,12 = 2*2*3 or 1*2*2*3 or 1*1*1*1*2*2*3 : so that the factorisation is no longer unique.
ANSWER: One is neither prime nor composite.
37 is prime, 42 is composite.
1 is neither a prime nor a composite number because it has only one factor (itself (1)). The definition of a prime number is a number that has the factor of one and itself, so one is not prime. The definition of a composite number is a number that has more than 2 factors, so one is not composite. One is a special number.
ANSWER: One is not a composite number.One is not also a prime number.
neither prime or composite
One is not prime and not composite.
ANSWER: One is neither prime nor composite.
Some of them are composite, one is a prime.
There is no name for numbers which are neither prime nor composite.
One is prime, the other two are composite.
Neither. Prime and composite numbers are greater than one.
43 is prime. 32 is composite.
37 is prime, 42 is composite.
11, prime. 22, composite.
One is not prime nor composite. It is a unit.