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Q: Why is opening with one n?
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Why the word opening is not double n?

The word "opening" is spelled with a single 'n' because it follows the rule of dropping one of the consonants before adding a suffix that begins with a consonant. In this case, the suffix "-ing" begins with a vowel, so the 'n' in "open" is not dropped.

How do you spell open?

The correct spelling is "openness" (without obstruction).

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They have one opening opening according to Biology flatworm notes I found. By Khoa

What is the longest word you can make using the letters c o a m n h a?

cho·a·na (k-n)n. pl. cho·a·nae (-n)The opening into the nasopharynx of the nasal cavity on either side; posterior naris.

Is Victoria secrets opening in square one?

Opening September 10th

What episodes of one piece have the opening you are in full version?

There is no One Piece opening called "You Are" but there is "We Are". "We Are" is the first opening song, so start from episode 1 and you can watch it.

How do you use opening in a sentence?

The mouth is only one opening into the human body.

What is the name and artist of the opening music to Casey's Rock n Roll Goldmine?

rock around the clock!