Pi Day is March 14. It is that day because it is 3-14 (the first 3 digits of pi). It is just a day to eat pie (the dessert) and celebrate pi (3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375...)
Anniversary of Pi day is MARCH 14th.
We celebrate pi day because pi equals 3.14........ which is an endless number. It's a fun math class to celebrate pi day on March 14th! Yum... Pie!
Everyone's birthday is in Pi! You can go to http://www.angio.net/pi/piquery to find out where in Pi it is. Happy Pi Day!!
Pi day is on March 14th, because Pi=3.14 It is just a day to celebrate pi
The celebration day of pi (3.14159265...)
Pi Day is on march 14(3.14)
We have pi day to sorta symbolize the meaning of pi. I think it is just for fun
Pi Day is March 14. It is that day because it is 3-14 (the first 3 digits of pi). It is just a day to eat pie (the dessert) and celebrate pi (3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375...)
Pi Day is March 14th because the first thee digits of pi are 3.14
Anniversary of Pi day is MARCH 14th.
Bake a pi pie!
Larry shaw created pi day in 1988 :)
Pi Day can be celebrated by eating a pie, discussing topics related to pi, dressing in pi-ralated apparel, such as a shirt with the pi symbol on it, or doing anything else related to pi.
March the 14th is the only pi day because it is: 3/14 (3.14 is pi)
We celebrate pi day because pi equals 3.14........ which is an endless number. It's a fun math class to celebrate pi day on March 14th! Yum... Pie!