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Q: Why is pigment lost from a certain cubes and not from others?
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What are pigments useful for?

pigments are used for people who have lost there pigment and then they could replace it with the pigment they have

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It can be Frisian in the freezer in to ice cubes

Why couldn't the blonde make ice-cubes?

Because she lost the recipe.

Does have the short o sound lost?

The short "o" sound is present in some dialects of English and absent in others. It is not inherently lost in the language as a whole, but it may be less prominent in certain accents or regional variations.

Can you help me find him?

.Are you certain he is lost?

On Lost Desmond is a member of the others?


How do you spell certin?

The word is spelled certain. Joe was certain he lost his keys.

On Lost Nikki is a survivor of the flight who joined the others?

False - she does not join "the others"

Why did my cat lose a patch of hair and it grew back white?

Must have also lost the pigment in the hair cells at the same time. Not to worry.

How does water get lost?

it gets lost when there is too much sun in a certain area example deserts

Do you have a sentence for empathy?

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others.

Is lost an adverb?

No, "lost" is primarily an adjective, describing something as being unable to be found. However, "lost" can also be used as a verb or a noun in certain contexts.