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Q: Why is potassium content expressed as percent k20 in fertilizer?
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How can you compute fertilizer contents?

the numbers on the fertilizer are the percent content of the following (in order): N2, P2O5, K2O

How much phosphorus would there be in a 3-6-9 fertilizer?

In a 3-6-9 fertilizer, the numbers represent the percentage of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, respectively. So, in this case, there would be 6% phosphorus in the fertilizer.

What makes up 60 percent of 10-20-10 fertilizer?

nitrogen phosphorus potassium

What is 11-11-11 fertilizer?

11-11-11 fertilizer refers to a balanced fertilizer with equal parts of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), commonly used for general purpose applications in gardening and agriculture. The numbers represent the percentages of each nutrient in the fertilizer by weight.

What is the method to calculate the percent nitrogen in these common fertilizers?

To calculate the percent nitrogen in common fertilizers, you can use the formula: Nitrogen (Amount of Nitrogen in fertilizer / Total weight of fertilizer) x 100. This formula helps determine the nitrogen content in the fertilizer, which is important for plant growth and health.

Do pistachios have potassium?

No, cashews are not high in the electrolyte known as potassium. They contain only 195mg in a 1/4 cup serving of dry roasted. In regard specifically to nuts, the highest content of potassium is found in Almonds. Funnily enough, there is high potassium content in dried apricots and dried peaches (which are also a very tasty snack), double bonus.

What does 1.46 percent become when expressed as a percent?

1.46 percent is expressed as 1.46%.

What is 3.5 percent expressed as a decimal?

3.5 percent expressed as a decimal is 0.035

What is 35.4 percent expressed as an decimal?

35.4 percent expressed as an decimal is 0.354

What is 0.125 expressed as a decimal and percent?

0.125 expressed as a decimal and percent is: 0.125 or 12.5%

How is 3.9 expressed as percent?

3.9 expressed as percent = 390%3.9 * 100% = 390%

What is the percent composition of potassium in potassium iodide Kl?

The percent composition of potassium in potassium iodide (KI) is 58.5%. This is calculated by dividing the atomic mass of potassium by the molar mass of KI and multiplying by 100.