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Q: Why is problem representation the most important element of the problem solving process?
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A process which uses certain skills to solve a problem is called what?

A process which uses certain skills to solve a problem is called Heuristic approach.Another approach that will always work, however, can take very long time is called an algorithmic approach.Approaching the problem in a certain way is known as representation.

What is the most important step in decision-making process?

idnetifying the problem

What is most important step in the decision making process?

idnetifying the problem

Explain the element of communication?

communication is the process of sharing information from one person to another or from one place to another

Why is the problem identification stage important in the research process than the problem solution stage?

It ascertains the objectives for carrying out a research project.

Why is a design process so important to follow when creating a solution to a problem?

A design process is so important to follow when creating a solution to a problem because it has to be repeated to make sure the same problems do not happen over and over. If people know what to do in a crisis, they can be better prepared to fix a problem quickly.

What is it When scientists create a representation of a complex process?

A model.

When scientist create a representation of a complex process it is a what?

A model.

Major topic of debate throughout the drafting process?

representation of large and small states

Why is the design process so important when creating a solution to a problem?

i don't know?because is so hard the answer

Why is it important to do background research during the design process?

someone else may have already solved the problem