

Why is pyramid on us money?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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Q: Why is pyramid on us money?
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What shape us a pyramid?

it not a shape, its a geometrical solid and it is called a pyramid.

How much money was needed to build the louvre pyramid?

the cost of the Louvre Pyramid was 75 million francs - nowadays 11.43 million euros, or 15.88 million US $ at today's exchange rate (1 euro = 1.3891 $)

What is a pyramid scheme used for?

A Pyramid Scheme is a money-making strategy. Its formation looks like a pyramid structure. First, the investors keep promoting the business and recruiting new investors in bulk. For more information visit here on.. @ financialfundrecovery

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The Pyramid Mountains are located in Hidalgo County, New Mexico.

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What organisation created the healthy eating pyramid?

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) developed the food pyramid.

What was a pyramid?

a pyramid is a big trianguler prism that has pharaohs inside with a bunch of money and weapons because they thought the pharaoh might need them in the after life

What's a pyramid?

a pyramid is a big trianguler prism that has pharaohs inside with a bunch of money and weapons because they thought the pharaoh might need them in the after life

How much money did it cost to build a pyramid?

I don't know, but they say that every pyramid took at least 15 years to build and for every pyramid that was built some 1000 people died. Money didn't come into the equation in the modern sense of buying the materials, paying the designer and the labour costs.

What did the US do with the food pyramid in 2005?

They changed it to include exercise.

How can you identify a pyramid scheme?

A pyramid or Ponzi scheme uses money from new investors to pay "dividends" to the existing investors. If you have to recruit new "investors" to make money, it is a pyramid. You get in by paying someone upstream and are paid by the people you recruit, usually sending some of the money up to the person who recruited you. Legitimate multi-level marketing is similar, but different because you have to sell something but can make more money by recruiting people to work under you.

Who is a food pyrmid for?

A food pyramid is for everyone! Everyone can use and learn from the food pyramid. We use it in our daily life for us to see what is good to eat and in what quantities Keeps us staying healthy :)