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Because all x-axis values in a vertical line have the same value and this causes the denominator of the slope formula to result in zero when the formula is evaluated/computed. That of course causes the "undefined" division condition to occur.

More Information about the "undefined" condition:

y/x=? asks the question "How many times can x be subtracted from y until a value less than x is the result?

For example: 8/2=?




2-2=0 (this division is possible and definite (i.e. "defined") because it is possible to subtract 2 from 8 exactly 4 times.

But, zero in the denominator causes a problem: 8/0=?




8-0=8 (this division is NOT definite nor definable, hence "undefined" because it is not possible to subtract 0 from 8 "until a value less than 0 is the result." That is the reason dividing by 0 is said to be "undefined".

As stated earlier, when we apply the above knowledge to the slope formula, we can see that a vertical line has the same x values and when substituted into the slope formula "slope = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)", the denominator will have a result of 0. Having a result of 0 in the denominator causes the "undefined" condition to exist.

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Q: Why is slope undefined for vertical lines?
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No. The slope of a horizontal line is zero. The slope of a vertical line is undefined.

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No, vertical lines have an undefined slope.

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What lines always have an undefined slope.?

Vertical lines always have an undefined slope. Slope for y = f(x) is given by :slope = dy/dxdx is zero at any point along a vertical line, making the slope undefined along a vertical line.

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When the lines are horizontal and vertical. (slope of zero) (undefined slope)

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An undefined slope is vertical.

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The slope of a vertical line is undefined. The slope of a horizontal line is 0. Hope this helps.

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A vertical line has an undefined slope.

What word describes the slope of the line passing through points (5 12) and (5 -13)?

It would be a undefined slope.There are four types of slope:Postive slope (when lines go uphill from left to right)Negative slope (when lines go downhill from left to right)Zero slope (when lines are horizontal)Undefined slope (when lines are vertical)

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Yes. For example, the lines x=7, x=-1, and x=145 all have an undefined slope; they are all vertical.

Slope of a vertical line?

The slope of a vertical line is undefined. Horizontal slope is 0.