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Q: Why is symmetry needed in structures?
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Stresses will be distributed equally among members if there is symmetry. It will be easier to calculate it will be easier to manufacture...

What type of symmetry describes having two structures on the same side of the body?


Which type of symmetry do flatworms exhibit?

Flatworms exhibit bilateral symmetry, which means that their body can be divided into two symmetrical halves along a single plane. This type of symmetry allows for the development of more complex body structures and directional movement.

What are the cell structures that are needed for photosynthesis and the cell structures that are needed for cellular respiration?

the palisade layer, spongy layer

Does a human have bilateral symmetry?

Yes, humans have bilateral symmetry, meaning their body can be divided into two mirror-image halves along a single plane. This symmetry is present in many animals and helps in organizing body structures systematically.

How do vestigial structures work?

They don't, vestigial structures are biological structures with no known function that evolved from structures in distant ancestors that used to have a function that is no longer needed.

Why do you suppose many different structures are needed by the digestion system?

Many different structures are needed by the digestive system to function different parts of the digestive system.

Does chordata have radial symmetry?

No, chordates do not have radial symmetry. They exhibit bilateral symmetry, which means they have a distinct left and right side. This symmetry allows for the development of specialized structures and greater mobility.

How do geologists classify crystal stracters?

Geologists classify crystal structures based on the arrangement of atoms within the crystal lattice, the symmetry of the crystal, and the types of bonds between atoms. Common crystal structures include cubic, tetragonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic, and triclinic structures.

Which are needed in fission reactor?

nuclear fuelcoolantneutron moderator (if needed)control elementsshieldingmeasurement instrumentationemergency systemssupport structures

Do porcupines have radial symmetry or bilateral symmetry?

Porcupines have bilateral symmetry, meaning their bodies can be divided into two equal halves along a single plane. This symmetry allows for better movement and for specialized sensory structures to develop, such as eyes and ears that are often located in pairs on either side of the body.

What is the structres of beta?

Clarification needed: Alpha-Beta structures in relationships? Beta-structures in their own right? Or are you drunk? B/c "structures" is a plural, and "is", well, isn't. ;)