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Pulse is intended to be a count per minute. By only taking it for 15 seconds, then any error you make is multiplied by a factor of 4.

If you count 15 beats and multiply by 4, you get 60. But if you missed 2 of the beats, then the actual count should've been 68.

However, getting a pulse over a full minute can make a patient nervous and impatient - sometimes causing the pulse to go up.

So 15 seconds is the normal wait time unless there is a reason to suspect a problem. Either from other symptoms or a bad result. For example, if the patient had a very high blood pressure and a low pulse, chances are, one of those two test results are wrong. So a recheck with a longer time frame would be suggested.

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8mo ago

Taking a carotid pulse for only 15 seconds can be problematic because it may not accurately represent the heart rate. The carotid artery is close to the heart, and taking the pulse for a shorter duration may not capture the entire pulse waveform. To obtain a more accurate heart rate reading, it is recommended to measure the carotid pulse for at least 30 seconds or longer.

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Why should you measure your pulse over 10 seconds and not 60?

You should get a sufficintly accurate indication after 10 seconds and, that way, you save a whole 50 seconds!

What do you use to measure your pulse?

In order to measure your pulse you may use a watch or clock with a second hand. Make a note of the rate of the pulse, which is the number of beats per minute. Check the strength of the pulse to see if it is strong or weak and if the rhythm is regular or irregular.If you don't have a watch or a clock around, the Cleveland Clinic Health System recommends counting the beats you feel for 15 seconds and multiplying this by four to get your heart rate per minute: Check your pulse: _______________ (beats in 15 seconds) x 4 = ________________(your pulse)[1] You can count beats for 30 seconds and multiply by 2.

An average pulse is between 60-100 what do these numbers mean?


Which of the following locations is usually used for taking a pluse?

radial pulse

What is the meaning of beat as an element of rhythm?

A beat is a regularly recurring pulse or stress point in the music, over which the melodic rhythm is overlaid. The essence of rhythmic music is a pulse which recurs at regular intervals, usually interspersed with lesser pulses which equally subdivide the time between the greater pulses. A march rhythm might be set up by having a pulse followed .5 seconds later with a lesser pulse, then the greater pulse .5 seconds later and so on. Each of these greater and lesser pulses is called a beat. Not all music emphasizes the beats; in some, the placement of the beats must be implied from the rhythm of the melody or melodies.

Related questions

Which artery is felt when taking the pulse rate at the neck?

The Carotid pulse is found in the neck. The Radial pulse is found in the wrist.

When is the carotid artery use as a pulse?

The radial artery is used most often for a pulse. But in the case of someone who is not responding the carotid is checked. It is awkward to ask questions when taking a pulse rate at the carotid.

Is the radial pulse slower than the carotid pulse?

No; it is the same.

What is the term for pulse point in the neck?

That's the carotid pulse.

What does carotid pulse radial pulse and heart monitor mean?

A carotid pulse is the heartbeat measured at the carotid artery site, on the sides of the neck. A radial pulse is the pulse or heartbeat taken at the wrist, where the radius and ulna intersect. A heart monitor is on of many devices that measure cardiac performance.

What are the scientific names for the 2 pulse points?

The two pulse points are the radial pulse, located on the wrist at the radial artery, and the carotid pulse, located in the neck at the carotid artery.

Which body part would you feel to locate the carotid pulse?

In the neck. The pulse you can sometimes feel beating in your neck is the carotid artery.

Does a visible carotid pulse indicate an aneurysm?


Before CPR is initiated on an adult the presence of circulation is usually determined by palpation of which pulse brachial carotid femoral popliteal radial?

Carotid pulse.

How do you take pulses except carotid?

You can take your pulse on the inside of your wrist. Don't use your thumb. Count the beats for 10 seconds then multiply by 6.

How would you assess for adequate circulation before starting compressions on an unresponsive victim?

check a carotid pulse for not less then 5, but no more then 10 seconds

When finding carotid artery you are looking to check adult or child victims?

When finding carotid artery, you are looking to check adult or child victim's PULSE