Any number, not only ten, to the zero power is one. In my opinion it's because it has to be this way for exponent math to work. You can read other explainations by going to the related link below. But, to me these illustrations just explain that it has to be this way for exponent math to work.
1. Any number to the power of zero is equal to one.
I don't like this answer, but according to mathematical theory, anything but zero ,to the zeroth power is set equal to "one".
There is one zero in ten.
Well, You multiply 10 by how ever many times the number says. In this case it is 0. Though, there is a different rule for anything to the zero power. The rule is that anything to the zero power is not zero, but always one.
One. Any number to the zero power is one.
1. Any number to the power of zero is equal to one.
I don't like this answer, but according to mathematical theory, anything but zero ,to the zeroth power is set equal to "one".
The answer is one fellow by as much zero to fill the universe and them some.
There is one zero in ten.
Well, You multiply 10 by how ever many times the number says. In this case it is 0. Though, there is a different rule for anything to the zero power. The rule is that anything to the zero power is not zero, but always one.
Yes. Any number to the 0 power is 1
Why the product of a multiple of ten and a multiple of ten will always have only one zero
Zero point zero one zero.
Zero to any power is zero; any non-zero number to the power zero is one. Thus, zero to the power zero is sort of contradictory.
That's a phenomenon that you notice after the fact. Try it out. Multiply any whole number by ten. 3 x 10 = 30 492 x 10 = 4920 It's the way the decimal system is structured. Ten to the first power is ten. Ten to the second power is one hundred. Since multiplying a number by ten adds a zero, the reverse is true. Adding a zero to the back of a number multiplies it by ten.