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Q: Why is the Present Value of future amount greater whe the dicaount rate is lower?
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Present value of a future amount?

the current dollar value of a future amount

What is the difference between present value interest factors versus future value interest factor?

The Present Value Interest Factor PVIF is used to find the present value of future payments, by discounting them at some specific rate. It decreases the amount. It is always less than oneBut, the Future Value Interest Factor FVIF is used to find the future value of present amounts. It increases the present amount. It is always greater than one.

What variables are required to calculate the present value of a future amount?

The future amount itself and a discount rate.

The farther into the future any given amount is received the larger its present value?

This is false. The farther into the future any given amount is received the smaller its present value.

Why present values are dependent upon interest rates?

Interest rates are also known as discount rates because in order to calculate the present value of a future amount, the future amount must be discounted back to the present

How do you find future value of share if you have present of it?

F = Future value P = Present Value i = Intrest Rate n = no. of years Therefore, the formula for future value of present amount :- F= P (1+i)n

How much money will you make in the future?

The amount of money that you will make in the future will depend on what you are currently doing. Your present investment or income generating activities will influence the amount of money to make in the future to a great extent.

Is there a past present or future?

There is a past, present, and future. There was a past; there is a present and there will be a future.

What is the past present and future tense of is?

Past - was Present - is Future - will be

What is the difference between compounding and discounting?

Compounding finds the future value of a present value using a compound interest rate. Discounting finds the present value of some future value, using a discount rate. They are inverse relationships. This is perhaps best illustrated by demonstrating that a present value of some future sum is the amount which, if compounded using the same interest rate and time period, results in a future value of the very same amount.

The process of finding the present value of some future amount is often called?

It is discounting. Good luck!

Is the fifth dimension the past present and future?

present and future