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Q: Why is the actual time interval is longer than the interval you have calculated in part one?
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What do they call the Second part of an opera?

There is no real official 'second' part. However, although there are breaks / intervals in operas, usually between acts, there is at time a longer interval so that the audience can leave the auditorium for drinks etc. perhaps that is what you are thinking of.

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The contour interval

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An interval is a subset of an order-numbered set; the interval includes a highest- numbered member of the subset and a lowest-numbered member of the subset and all members of the set with order numbers with values between that of the highest- and lowest-numbered members. This is more exactly called a "closed interval". An "open interval" is defined in the same way, except that the lowest-numbered and highest-numbered limits are not part of the subset.

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is the cost that do not invole at any time actual cash outlay and which do not, as consequences appear in the financial records, nevertheless such cost such cost involve a forgoing on the part of the person whose cost are being calculated

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QT interval

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In dreams, "death" usually represents a change or an end to something. It rarely predicts any actual death. This particular dream suggests that the ex is "dead" to the dreamer in the sense that he is no longer a part of the dreamer's life.

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yes of course it is part of the earth.

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The PILOT is considered part of the CREW. The PROPELLER is a part of the actual aircraft.

In Part A we saw that the theoretical yield of aluminum oxide is 1.70 mol . Calculate the percent yield if the actual yield of aluminum oxide is 1.24 mol .?

Percent yield is calculated by dividing the actual yield by the theoretical yield, and then multiplying by 100. In this case, the percent yield would be: (1.24 mol / 1.70 mol) * 100 = 73%. This means that 73% of the theoretical yield was obtained in the experiment.

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It is not a actual part of the bone it is actually the muscles. The only actual thing bones do is help us keep our shape.

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every part of the peanut can be eaten apart from the shell and the actual plant:)

Vertical scale and interval affect the look of a bar graph or a line graph?

by making the graph have an important missing part...(hope it helps!)