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The angle of incidence is greater.

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Q: Why is the angle of incidence greater than the angle of refraction based on the magic pencil activity?
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Is a pencil in water refraction?

Yes, when a pencil is placed in water, light rays traveling from the pencil to the observer are bent at the water-air interface, causing the pencil to appear broken or shifted. This phenomenon is due to refraction, where light bends as it travels from one medium to another of different optical density.

How would you use refraction in a sentence?

Light refraction causes the pencil in water to appear bent.

Does a pencil remain the same when it is dipped in a glass of water?

No, the pencil will appear larger and distorted when it is dipped in a glass of water due to refraction of light. The change in appearance is caused by the bending of light as it passes from air to water, making the pencil look bent or broken.

What causes the pencil to appear to be doubled?

When a pencil appears doubled, it could be due to a phenomenon called refraction. Refraction occurs when light passes through different mediums that have varying densities, causing the light rays to bend. This bending can create a distorted or doubled image of the pencil.

When viewed from the side the pencil appears to be broken what process caused this to happen?


When viewed from the side the pencil appears to be broken what process cause this to happen?

This phenomenon, known as refraction, occurs when light travels through different mediums with varying densities, causing it to change direction. When a pencil is placed in water, for example, the light rays from the pencil bend as they pass from the air into the water, creating the illusion of a broken pencil.

Does a house have greater volume than an pencil?

Unless you have an extremely small house or an extremely large pencil a house has a greater volume than a pencil.

When a pencil is placed in a glass of water the pencil appears broken at the surface of the water. This is because the light?

bends as it passes from air into water, causing the pencil to appear broken. This phenomenon is known as refraction.

What is the conclusion of broken pencil?

-the pencil looks broken & bent in water. - the pencil looks bent, because of the refraction of light, that causes that to happen. -pencil looks really thick, in water.

Why does a pencil looks broken when seen from the side of drinking glass with water?

When light passes from air into water, it changes speed and direction, causing the pencil to appear distorted at the air-water interface. This bending of light is known as refraction. This effect causes the pencil to seem broken or disjointed when viewed from the side of the drinking glass filled with water.

How does the appearance of the pencil depend on level the of water in the glass changes?

When a pencil is placed in a glass of water, the appearance of the pencil can change due to refraction. The water acts as a lens, bending the light as it passes from the air to the water and then back to the air. This refraction can make the pencil appear bent or broken when viewed from certain angles.