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it is obvious the average is not by just one person it is by a group of people so you need to ask a group of people what their IQ is and add them all up then divide them by the number you used

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Q: Why is the answer derived from an algorithm not the same as an average for example IQ scores are not an average of the subtest scores but a score derived from an algorithm?
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First, an applicant must meet all eligibility requirements. This includes: being a United States citizen (unless applying to represent an allied nation of the United States), being 23 or under as of the first day of Basic Cadet Training, being unmarried with no dependants, and being able to pass all medical clearance exams (waivers for many medical disorders will be given if the application package is strong enough). The Academy looks for a "Whole Person Concept" in applicants. While extremely strong performance in one area may make up for deficiency in another, there are minimums which may disqualify applicants if they are not met. For instance, I believe the minimum ACT subtest score is either 24 or 25, meaning that if any of the four subtest scores on the ACT are below the minimum score, an applicant is disqualified. The average ACT composite score for appointees is 31. Physical fitness is assessed through a test known as the Candidate Fitness Assessment which consists of a kneeling basketball throw, pullups, situps, pushups, and a 1 mile run. While the Academy does not publish minimum scores for this test, I believe there are minimums in each area which must be met. Averages for appointees are published, so it is best to meet or exceed all published averages to be highly competitive.