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Q: Why is the apparatus left for 15 minutes at each new light intensity before starting the measurements?
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If Minutes is to time as centimeter is to?

Time is hours and minutes Measurements in length are centimetres and kilometres

How long should a warm up be to potentially benefit the body and lessen the risk of injury?

Around 5-10 minutes. Longer if you are just starting out or doing a higher intensity workout than normal.

What are the measurements in a year?

hours- 21900 minutes- 525600 seconds-31536000

Where seconds minutes came from?

These time measurements came from the Babylonian calendar.

How many minutes a day of moderate-intensity exercise are needed to maintain body weight per usda giudelines?

60 minutes

The intensity of your workout is too difficult if your heart rate has not returned to 120 bpm within how many minutes?

if it has not returned within 5 minutes.

How many calories do you burn in 30 minutes of exercise?

It will depend on the intensity of your performance and the type of exercise you do.

The complete resynthesis of phosphocreatine after very high intensity exercise normally takes?

about 4 minutes

Did the sumerians invent mathematics?

Yes. Things such as, the calendar, units of measurements and the clock minutes.

Making measurements every five minutes is an example of what?

Making measurements every five minutes is an example of collecting data at regular intervals or time points. This approach can provide a detailed and consistent picture of changes or trends over time.

How many calories are burned in ten minutes?

It depends on your weight and the intensity of your exercise. There's no one definite answer to this.

Is Making measurements every five minutes is an example of data analysis?

DATA analysis