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Because Our calendar is a product of long evolution from a hunting society to an agricultural society. The hunters originally used a lunar calendar--new month each new moon. But new moons occur every 29.5 days, which is 12 in 355 days. This is not commensurable with a seasonal calendar such as agricultural societies would want. ancient Rome tried to fix this by having a 13th month every third year. This did not work out too well, because the head priests played games, calling for an extra month whenever people they liked were elected to head the government (2 year terms). Julius Caesar hired an ethnic Greek from Alexandria Egypt, Sosigenes, to create the 365 day calendar with an extra day every fourth year.
12 month calendars are favored because business works on a quarter system.

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Q: Why is the calendar divided into 12 months?
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The Julian Calendar was a calendar reform by Julius Caesar in Rome, introduced in 46 BC. The Julian Calendar divided the year into 365 days and 12 months, with a leap day every 4 years.

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Our current calendar comes for the Julian calendar, the calendar introduced by Julius Caesar. In the 15th century pope Gregory XIII shortened the day of that calendar by about 11 minutes. Apart from that, our calendar is the same as the one introduced by Julius Caesar. Because of this, the name of our current calendar is Gregorian calendar. The Roman calendar was divided into months and the name of the months we use today are derived from the names the Romans used. For a short while at the beginning of their history, the Romans had calendar with 10 months. Soon after that, it was reformed and lengthened to 12 months. The Julian Calendar was a further reform of the Roman calendar. Two months were renamed after Julius Caesar and Augustus. This is the origin of the names of the months of July and August. The names of the other months came from the older Roman calendar.

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