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Q: Why is the daughter unable to read what is contained in The Twenty-Six Malignant Gates?
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Why is the daughter unable to read The Twenty-Six Malignant Gates?

It is written in a language she cannot read.

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Pandora was unable to resist opening the jar that contained all of the evils of mankind.

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Volume A, since it contained the entire 'alphabet'.

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She adopted her daughter Debra Lois in 1961, as she was unable to have children.

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if by years you mean stars... our own galaxy contained from 200 to 400 billion stars. Years are a measurement of time, a human way of gauging the passage of time. It is intangible and thus unable to be contained within anything.

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The word irrepressible in the poem means unstoppable, uncontrollable, or unable to be restrained. It conveys a sense of a force or feeling that cannot be subdued or contained.

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He has his daughter, Halie and he has a STEP daughter, Lainey, he is the legal guardian of Whitney Mathers who is Kimberly's daughter from another relationship and he is the legal guardian of his younger brother.

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It is submitted that, Anila Augustine (My daughter),was not feeling well and caught a chicken pox which rendered her unable to be present at classes

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If for some reason William and Harry were unable to have children there are plenty of other people in line that could take over. Here is a list of the next in line 1. Charles 2. William 3. Harry 4. Andrew 5. Andrews daughter Beatrice 6. Andrews daughter Euginie 7. Edward 8. Edward's daughter Louise 9. Edward's son 10. Anne 11. Anne's son 12. Anne's daughter Zara 13. Elizabeth II's nephew (son of Princess Margaret) 14. Margaret's daughter Sarah

Why Mary of sister wives can't get pregnant?

Meri answered this question in an early episode. After having their daughter, Kody and Meri continued trying to have children but were unable to. She has seen several doctors and they have diagnosed her with 'unexplained infertility'. They don't know the reason, but she has been unable to conceive.

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"During normal cell division, each daughter cell receives half the DNA," comments Lodish. "In this case, when the red blood cell divides, one daughter cell gets all the DNA. What's fascinating is that in this case, that daughter cell gets eaten by macrophages. Until now, scientists were unable to study these cells because they were unable to see them." From:

What should I do if I ate a banana and feel drugged woozie daughter ate one and threw up and is seeing bugs?

If you have eaten a banana that makes you feel sick, you should see a doctor quickly. Same for your daughter, you should call 911 if your unable to drive safely.