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that's how long it takes for the earth to go all the way around

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Q: Why is the days twenty four hours long?
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Twenty eight days

How long does it take to rotate on its axits?

The time it takes for a planet to rotate on its axis varies depending on the planet. For example, Earth takes about 24 hours to complete one full rotation (a day), while Mars takes about 24.6 hours. Venus has an extremely slow rotation, completing one rotation in about 243 Earth days.

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Four thousand hours and twenty four cents.

How long does it earth to spin around once on its axis?

twenty four hours

How many hours does oil rig workers work?

Twelve hours a day, seven days a week for however long their hitch is the normal working hours. Some work fourteen days on and fourteen days off. Some work twenty one days on and twenty one days off. While some work twenty eight days on and twenty eight days off.

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It depends on the size and power that the generator provides; some are only good for a couple of hours, some last for twenty four hours and still others are designed to last for up to four days.

How many hours do farmers work?

Usually about twenty out of twenty-four ... sometimes twenty-five out of twenty-four if the animals are giving birth! Seriously, farmers work long days, because their livelihood depends on how well the farm does. Since they own the farm, they want to keep working and do everything they can to make it produce more.

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twenty-four hours from activation

How long before herbal tea sours if not refrigerated?

After twenty four hours for sure.

How long a drive from Calais Maine to Pigeon Forge Tn?

Twenty-four hours.

Why is day twenty four hours long?

that's how long it takes for the earth to go all the way around