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Q: Why is the feeding of the five thousand the only miracle recorded in all the four Gospels?
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What is the only miracle mentioned in all 4 gospels?

The gospel of Mark has a huge number of miracles in it. From healing the man with the unclean spirit, healing Simon's mother in law, healing a leper, healing palsy, healing the withered hand, making the storm still, Jairus daughter healed, afflicted woman, feeding 5000, walking on water, healing the deaf and dumb man, feeding 4000, the blind man, the boy with a demon, another blind man near Jericho and the withered fig tree.

What is the only miracle other than the resurrection to occur in all 4 Gospels?

The feeding of 5.000 =)

What was jesus second miracle?

I think it was the feeding of the five thousand.

What was the date when Jesus fed the 5000?

Jesus' feeding of 5,000 people is his only Miracle that the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John all describe. An exact date for this supposed miracle isn't known, but if it happened it would have been around 25 C.E.

Is the feeding of the 5000 a parable?

The feeding of the 5000 is not a parable, but rather a miracle performed by Jesus as recounted in the Bible. It is a story where Jesus multiplied a few loaves of bread and fish to feed a large crowd of people as a demonstration of his divine power.

Was the first miracle of Jesus?

A:In John's Gospel, Jesus performed his first miracle of turning water into wine on the third day after his baptism.In the synoptic gospels, Jesus went into the wilderness immediately after his baptism, so was not at the wedding in Cana. In these gospels, his first miracle was to fast for forty days and resist the devil.

What gospels contain the miracle of the wedding feast at cana?

The miracle of the wedding feast at Cana is found in the Gospel of John.

What kind of fish were they and what kind of bread were given at the miracle of the loaves and fishes?

To be carrying them with for hours I assume the fish were dried.

Did Miracles happen when Jesus died?

According to the synoptic gospels, yes:In Mark's Gospel, followed by Matthew and Luke, there was a great darkness that can not be explained as an eclipse, but which was not recorded outside the gospels. The Temple curtain was rent from top to bottom.In Matthew's Gospel, there was also a great earthquake that opened the graves. The dead arose and walked into Jerusalem, where they were seen by many. This miracle is not in the other gospels and is not attested outside the Bible.

What was the last miracle Jesus performed?

I believe it was walking on water to John. But when John looked away from Jesus, he sank.AnswerThere is no referece to Jesus nor John 'sinking' in any of the gospels. This is a confusion between John and Peter, who sank after he lost faith.Although John makes it clear that Jesus turning water into wine in a wedding at Cana was his first miracle, there is no specific 'second' miracle mentioned. According to John the next miracles after Cana were 'signs he was performing' [2:23 but no specific miracle is mentioned. Neither can the miracles recorded in the other gospels be assumed to be in chronological order].

In which gospel did Jesus feed the five thousand?

A: The story of Jesus feeding the five thousand is in all the New Testament gospels, although it was originally in Mark's Gospel (6:35-44), from which the story was copied to the other gospels. The story was part of a contiguous set of stories that also included the feeding of the four thousand and a total of ten references or allusions to food (Mark 6:33-8:21 ):Jesus and the disciples had no leisure so much as to eat, so they went into a desert placeFeeding the 5000When Jesus walked on water the disciples were amazed, for they considered not the miracle of the loavesPharisees complain about the disciples eating with unwashed handsDiscourse - what goes into a man goes into his belly and does not defileGreek woman metaphorically begs for crumbs from the tableFeeding the 4000Disciples are hungry and have only one loaf of breadJesus warns the disciples about the leaven of the Pharisees and they reason, "It is because we have no bread," showing they do not understandSummary by Jesus of the two feastsThese all form one part of a pair in the framework, parallel structure in which the matching event is the Last Supper.

Did Jesus perform miracles in Palestine?

Most Christians believe: yes he did, just as recorded in the gospels. Some, such as the Jesus Seminar, say that not all the events described in the gospels really happened, but Jesus may have performed some miracles in Palestine. Finally, others point out that there are credible reasons for rejecting the historicity of each miracle in the New Testament. On this last view, Jesus did not perform any miracles.