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Because there are many more of us, each one of us consumes more and wastes more.

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Q: Why is the impact of humans greater today than that at anytime in the past?
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Why is today an adverb?

Today is an adverb when it describes "when". I will go home today. Today modifies the verb "go" by telling "when" you go. Another opinion: Today is a noun, not an adverb, nor an adjective. What it counts is its primary function in a sentence, not depending on how it is used. According to Babylon, today is : today n. current day. An adverb modifies a verb, and an adjective qualifies a noun. Today is always today anytime of the current day, so it is always a noun.

What impact has Robert recorde made on the world today?

He invented the equal sign and introduced algebra to England.

How does Rene Descartes contribution to mathematics impact today's society?

DESCARTES Rule in math class. (geometry and up!)

If i was born in 1999 and it' 2009 how old am i?

Depends on which month you were born in. If today's your birthday or you were born up to Jan 1 1999, then you are 10. If it's your birthday tomorrow or you born anytime before Jan 1 2000, then you're 9.

Based on Galatians 1 v8 is Paul greater than the angels from heaven?

No, Paul is not saying that he is greater. Rather he's saying the gospel, or good news, is greater. Paul knew that there would be some who would try to inject lies into what Christ did for all. We see tons of those today, in fact; some will refer to it as "brainwashing." Even today there are preachers who will say that they are being informed by "an angel" about some new revelation. The problem is, if such "new revelations" go against what has already been set forth

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What impact does Buddha have today?

Buddha is dead. He has no impact on today. His teaching do.

Why is it that animals move from place to place with the reasons why humans today may move from place to place?

because all animals move almost every day and humans can move anytime they want so you can real make a choice when ever you need and when ever you want both animals and humans can do that every single day

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What impact, if any, does Reconstruction have on American society today? 

How does Alicia Keys impact society?

She is a singer and nothing more. Her impact is minimal. Way too much importance is placed on celebrities today. They are not really that important to society. A teacher at a elementary school is of far greater importance and has way more impact.

How does the three fifths compromise impact our government today?

It really doesn't have any major impact on today's government

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What was the last species of Humans that you do not see today?

The last species of humans that we do not see today are the species Homo Neanderthalenses. (pretty similar to humans we see today). It is not inappropriate Language. That is just what they are called.

Animal Crossing City Folk open gates today?

They open any day, or anytime!

Ways in which photography and film used for propaganda today?

As time has advanced so as technology that can impact many things including propaganda. By incorporating video and pictures with propaganda then you may get the point across easier since visual cues can have a greater impact then just the written word.

What is the impact of the assembly line today?

A large impact o all cominies

Are today's humans smarter than prehistoric humans?

Yes because humans have learned technology.

What is the impact of steamboats today?

It affects bcuz there are steamboats and cruise ships today