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Q: Why is the iron triangle undemocratic?
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What makes up an iron triangle in the Texas government?

texas iron triangle

When did Battle of the Iron Triangle happen?

Battle of the Iron Triangle happened on 1974-11-20.

How do you use undemocratic in a sentence?

The word "undemocratic" literally means "not democratic. " An example of a sentence using the word "undemocratic" is "The legally elected government was replaced with an undemocratic dictatorship. "

Is United Nations undemocratic for India?

Un is undemocratic for India because it is my holiday homework . I have to elaborate on this topic. and my holiday is undemocratic for me..........

Is UN undemocratic for India?

Is UN undemocratic fo India? Elaborate

What is the iron triangle of welfare?

the iron triangle of welfare is the obligation to carry out taskes while on welfare not to abuse it like we do nowadays

What is the root of undemocratic?

the root word for undemocratic is un the right term is un

What is the root word of undemocratic?

the root word for undemocratic is un the right term is un

The triangle describes the complex relationship between interest groups the government bureaucracy and Congres?


The term iron triangle has been used to describe?

The iron triangle refers to the complex relationship between interest groups, Congress, and the federal bureaucracy.

How would you use a triangle in a sentence?

To call us in for dinner, Mom used to ring an iron triangle.

What aretwo undemocratic features of the colonial america?

Two undemocratic features of the colonial America were slavery and unequal voting rights