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Q: Why is the nominal level of raw data cannot be re-organized to form an array?
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What level of raw data CANNOT be re-organized to form an array?

There is no level of data that cannot be organised to form an array. Although it is not possible to form an array of references, a reference has no address of its own and cannot be regarded as data. It is a programming tool, nothing more.

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How can you differentiate a lower level array from the higher level array?

Lower level array: 1. Lower level array could be a single dimensional array . 2. It is easy to work with the lower level array . 3. By using lower level array , works get easier. 4. if user try for dry run , he/she can do it without any complication. Higher level array: 1. Higher level array could be a double dimensional array , three dimensional array or nth dimensional array. 2. It's quite complicated to work with higher dimensional arrays. 3. By using higher level array , works get much more easier as compared to lower level array. 4. if user try for dry run , he/she may/maynot do it because there is lot of complications in it.

Can more types of calculations be performed at a nominal level than an interval level?

No. The interval level is more refined and so enables calculations which are not available at the nominal level.

What level of measurement is ethnicity?

It is nominal.

What level of measurement is a bar code?

The level of measurement of a bar code is nominal.

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What level of measurement is what is your major?

That would be a nominal measurement.

Is a bar code a ratio level of measurement?

No, it is nominal.

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What is dimentions arrays in java?

You can make arrays with any number of dimensions (depending on RAM limitations, of course). However, internally, a two-dimensional array (for example) is stored as an array of arrays; that is, each first-level array contains an array of the second level. Similarly with higher dimensions.