The LCF of any pair of numbers is always 1, since it is the lowest number that can be a factor and is a trivial factor of all numbers. The least common factor of any set of numbers is 1.
There are square numbers (numbers which are a square of an integer), such as 4. It's factors, listed are 1, 2, and 4. All square numbers have an odd number of factors. Then there's 1, which has only 1 factor: 1. All other numbers have an even number of factors. Prime numbers will have only 2 factors (2 is even).
As the numbers are all prime, the only factors each of them has are 1 and the number itself. Therefore the greatest, and only, common factor of two of more prime numbers is 1.
226 is a composite number, not a prime number. All even numbers except for the number 2 are composite numbers because 2 is a factor of all of them. To be a prime number, the only factors can be 1 and itself.
Only the number 1 is a factor of all other integers.
The number 1.
Possiblilty is almost 1/2 cause every two numbers is a number with a factor of 2.From 2: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10...
1 is a factor of all positive numbers.
Yes, 1 would be a factor of all numbers because 1 times that nuumber gets you that number.
Yes and it is 1.One.
Yes, all number with have the factor 1 and itself.
1 and 2
Absolutely. 1 is a factor of all prime (and nonprime) numbers. 1 times the number is the number. Therefore, 1 is a factor of irrational numbers such as pi.