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It's not important at all, unless for some reason you want to end up with the correct answer.

If you do the operations in a different order, the result will be wrong.

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Q: Why is the order of operations important?
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How would you explain the order of operations. How does it affect the value of an expression and why is this important?

You take the caca out the rectum and drop the caca in the toilet. That is the order of operations.

Why is it important to apply order of operations when evaluating expressions?

If you change the order of operations, you will get a different result. The person who wrote the expression had a specific order of operations in mind (using generally-accepted rules), so arbitrarily using some other order of operations is, quite simply, wrong.

Why is it important to perform the operations in a equation in a certain order?

Its only important if you want the right answer. If the wrong answer will suffice, than any order will do.

Why is it important to use order of operations to evaluate algebraic expressions?

I think it is important because you need to know it when you get older.

Why is important that everyone follows the same order of operations?

Simple answer - people would get different answers. When it comes to Arithmetic, there is just one correct answer and that comes by following the correct order of operations :-)

In algebra why is it important to know the order of operations for addition multiplication etc.?

That is important because: 1) The order in which operations are carried out can affect the result. 2) You can use parentheses to specify an order, but parentheses are often omitted for simplicity. In this case, you must know how to interpret an expression correctly.

How important is order management when it comes to daily business operations?

Order management is highly important when it comes to daily business operation. Some consider order management as the most important thing when it comes to businesses.

Why is it important to use order of operation?

you need to because if you follow the order of operations then you will get the question correct. If you don't then you won't. Simple as that

What uses do you see for understanding Order of Operations?

The order of operations is very VERY important and is a crucial piece of algebra. If you do now know the order of operations (P.E.M.D.A.S.), you will more than likely get every equation that has more than one processes in it, wrong. If you need clarification, feel free to ask :). xoxo blahitsgenaa

How can order of operations be changed?

If you put in parentheses, you can change the order of operations in many cases, as parentheses come before everything in the order of operations.

What does mean if a calculator follows the order of operations?

It means that the calculator can follow the order of operations and do the order of operations for you but, you need to know how to do them on your own too.

Why mathmaticians made order of operations?

That's because the result may VARY, depending on the order. Try, for example, 1 + 2 x 3, which can either be 7 or 9, depending on which calculation you do first. Therefore, it is important to have a general agreement on the order of operations.