I think it's because Penta means five and a pentagon is 5 sided and the pentagon building when looked from above has 5 sides try wikipedia images
A pentagon if all sides are equal - if they are not it is called a polygon
A pentagon with 14 sides is called a "contradiction in terms".The definition of a pentagon is: A figure with fivesides.
Because a pentagon has 5 sides
Not a pentagon. Penta = 5
pentagon A pentagon. A 5-sided figure is called a pentagon. pentagon A five sided figure is called a pentagon
A pentagon if all sides are equal - if they are not it is called a polygon
Pentagon ("pent" means five).
A five sided polygon is called a pentagon because pentagon means five sided polygon I think.
A pentagon with 14 sides is called a "contradiction in terms".The definition of a pentagon is: A figure with fivesides.
Because a pentagon has 5 sides
Five sided shapes are called Pentagons
A 3D pentagon could be called a pentagon prism or a dodecahedron which is a Platonic solid with 12 pentagonal faces.
A 3-D pentagon
Not a pentagon. Penta = 5
If viewed from the air, the shape of the building is a pentagon (it has 5 sides)
They are both the same. Pentagon is just a shorter way of saying the pentagon building. As for if you meant the shape pentagon, it is called the pentagon because it's shape is a pentagon.